3 Medifast Weight Loss Tips

Posted by Chintan Patel Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Who does not agree that the skinny ones are paid more attention to than those who are not? Who does not want to look good, anyway? A lot of weight loss programs have been created to help out overweight people overcome their appearance issues. One of the most famous programs nowadays is called Medifast. But before an overweight person starts a weight loss program, a research must be done to make sure that it is the right one is ideal for the dieter.

First, before doing anything related to health, it is a must to visit a doctor. Consult your doctor and discuss if the Medifast weight loss program fits you. While it is very easy to use diet pills, these are not recommendable as they are intended to curb the appetite to eat. Unlike diet pills, this weight loss program encourages dieters to eat regularly to burn fats. The program starts with 5 and 1 diet plan. Everyday, the dieter is required to eat 6 meals a day, which consists of 5 meals from over pre-prepared 70 meals and 1 lean and green meal. The 5 meals contain 500 calories all together and include delicious which include scrambled eggs, soups, shakes, bars stew, chili, oatmeal, fruit drinks, iced teas, hot drinks, and puddings. High in protein and low in fat, the lean and green meal consists of lean meat plus salad and/or vegetables.

While eating the 5 and 1 meals, it is best to exercise, too. Combining dieting and exercising can bring out the best result. Also, side effects and other weight loss dangers are avoided. Doing these two methods together is very beneficial to the health. First, the unwanted fats are burned preventing heart diseases. Then, the bones and muscles are made strong so getting slimmer does not have to mean getting weaker. After religiously eating the 5 and 1 meals and regular exercise, dieters will then gradually decrease the amount of Medifast meals eaten as they increase the amount of regular food. This is the transition period, which normally happens within 16-27 days depending on the degree of weight loss.

The last part of the Medifast weight loss program is maintenance. Within 2 to 3 months, dieters will have to eat meals no more than 1,500 calories. After losing fats, the body must be given ample time to cope with its new form. In this stage, regular exercise and other healthy habits are recommended. A big deal of discipline is required here. Dieters must get rid of junk. Do not allow any junk food temptation. Make sure that the fridge does not have junk foods or else you will end up sneaking during midnight.

The skinny ones are paid more attention to than those who are not. That is a fact. Everyone wants to look good, anyway- another fact. To get rid of those unwanted and unhealthy fats in your body, first, consult your doctor. Second, have a reliable weight loss program such as the Medifast diet plan while exercising regularly. Third, stop eating junk foods and observe discipline.


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